Sunday, August 23, 2015


This week I went to school and I hate school what is the worst school you could ever go to? Heritage sucks but next semester I hope that I can go to stapely  if I get good grade. All the kids yet Heritage are geeks so I just want to school with friends. This week mom dad and Brooke went to education week and we had a really fun babysitter her name is Clara and we went to Nielsens and it was a lot of fun because the french fries were $.25 and we also went to Chick-fil-A and Steve's crazy subject krazyair and we went for an hour at krazyair and mom and dad might go to Seattle depending on the weather this week but we just need to find a babysitter or they can't go

Sunday, August 16, 2015

8 -16-15

This week I started my first two days of school and I hated them I get four classes a day and they are each two hours for The whole day but every day I do every other day on classes and at my new school I get Fridays off every single week but it is not worth it I rather go to stably still I also went to Texas to see my cousins Cooper Lucy Nelson major and uncle James aunt aunt Laurie flight took 2 1/2 hours also aunt Rachelle and aunt Lisa were there The reason we went there was for Cooper's baptism and we miss the baptism because you're late it started at 9:30 but we got there at 10 by accident because they changed the time we also went to go see a movie with them and it was fun it was called Max but there wasn't enough seats so my mom had to take Lucy major and Nelson to The arcade to play games and to buy popcorn me and Cooper watch the whole movie and it was a lot of fun they said that they would be here for thanksgivin maybe we are super excited to see them!!⌚️😀😀😁😂😍😍😍😍😍

Sunday, August 9, 2015


This week I've hung out with my friends on Monday and then I want to work with dad Tuesday through Friday. And on Saturday I work for mom for seven hours and it was miserable and I am sick right now and I feel terrible and my throat feels so bad and my head hurts really bad and my stomach hurts a little bit but if feels like I have strep throat on Friday Saturday and Sunday I'm going to cooper's baptism and Dallas Texas I am super excited I am missing the ward ski trip but it is worth it I am very excited he sent me an email yesterday that you want me to give the talk about baptism I got this new blog set up today and I love it so far I got lots of hours with working with dad this week and I'm hoping to do it every Friday that I get off from the new school then I'm going to what am I am going to d is have all the money that I get from working with dad every Friday and put that in savings and after I do that i'm going to put a vending machine and uncle Darrell's office make lots of money off of it and hopefully buy more vending machines me and Alyssa are going to split the price of the candy machine and split the price of the Candy to buy it and then we will split the money make lots of money off of it we could just earn money off of doing not very much yesterday I got a haircut at great clips for 799 it was a screaming deal I got my Hair thinned and the guy didn't amazing! I also want my cousin Jared's Mission call letter opening and he got called Idaho✌💪☝👅🗻🍈🎉🎉🎉💥💥 and he is super excited that he does not have to speak Spanish